Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Talk of the Town

What a wonderful piece this was. Terrifying and yet makes me wonder what the world has come to… I have a feeling that people who read this essay would come to the thought process of “What has our country come to?” This is a natural thought, specifically when reading “Can we afford the openness that lets future kamikaze pilots, say, enroll in Florida flying schools?” A very valid point. Some would loathe the thought of some terrorist with the gall to train for his/her activities in our very own country! I naturally came to this myself, but thinking more I came to “What has our world come to?”

I believe that every process in life is a cycle (hence “life cycle”) and that everything must have it’s polar opposite. These are not just my thoughts but truths in life. More specifically, for all the love in the world there must be an equal amount of hate, and as of late I have had the feeling that there is more hate than love. I see this article as a representative of how the hate of the world has grown and left it's victims festering in it's reek. This was only an act of hate, and unfortunately it was met with one of the same

"People are people, always have been and always will be." My favorite Bruce Fischer quote says it all. The world has always had opposites. Without them we would not exist, but there must remain a balance. To say never hate would be a mistake. There must always be hate, but it is our unique ability to decide what to do with it.

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